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Plastic Free July: Rethink the Plastic in Your Bathroom - Hello Charlie

Plastic Free July: Rethink the Plastic in Your Bathroom

Plastic Free July started with just a few participants from Western Australia, and now it's a worldwide movement. This July, take the challenge! We can all stop and think about our plastic consumption, and by making a few small changes in our lives, we can make a big impact on our planet.

We've got a whole series on Plastic Free July so if you're after inspiration, feel free to join our newsletter, which can be found on the right side of the screen. 

We've talked about steps you can take to work towards a plastic free kitchen. Now we're talking about taking steps towards a plastic free bathroom.

Plastic free bathroom

Plastic Free Dental Care

Do you know that in the US alone, over 50 million pounds of plastic toothbrushes get dumped into landfill every year? That's billions of toothbrushes! But don't worry, I'm not saying that you shouldn't brush your teeth. You can take care of your teeth and still be eco conscious.

Here are some alternatives to your plastic toothbrush and floss:

Go Bamboo Toothbrushes has two variants, one for adults and one for children. This is a fully biodegradable toothbrush with bamboo handles, and its bristles are made from a biodegradable polymer.

Grant's of Australia, like Go Bamboo, also has two variants for their toothbrushes. They have brushes for adults and children. For adults, you can pick between soft or medium bristles. Their handles are also fully biodegradable, and some of the bristles are even infused with charcoal for that extra whitening action.

There's also The Natural Family Co, with biodegradable resin toothbrushes; Jack 'N Jill's biodegradable toothbrushes for kids and The Humble Co.

Biodegradable floss is a little trickier. We haven't been able to find a fully biodegradable floss. But we do have floss picks from Grin with biodegradable handles, and dental floss from Noosa Basics and Dr Tung's that are in fully biodegradable packaging, which is a step in the right direction!

Plastic Free Haircare

Are you still using plastic combs and brushes? Why not make the shift to wooden ones? Wooden combs and brushes aren't just eco friendly, but they look great, too. Using a wooden comb or brush can also help to pull oils on your hair from root to tip.

When it comes to static, plastic combs and brushes actually add a positive charge to your hair, which causes the hair to be more frizzy. This is not the case when it comes to wooden hair combs and brushes.

There are lovely wooden combs available, as well as plastic free hairbrushes at Bass Brushes. For children, there’s the lovely Shellamy Baby Hair Brush & Comb Set.

Another way to cut waste is by shifting from your traditional shampoos to shampoo barsThe Australian Natural Soap Company (ANSC) has some great shampoo bar options, and they’re all plastic free. You can also check out the great range at Viva La Body and Shampoo With a Purpose.

Plastic Free Facial Care

It can be hard making the switch when it comes to facial care. But there are plenty of eco friendly options out there that can compete with your favourite brands.

ANSC has a ton of great facial soaps! For great natural cleansers, we recommend ANSC’s Pink Clay facial soap. They also have a Charcoal facial soap for acne prone skin. Charcoal is also good at drawing those toxins from your skin.

The Australian Natural Soap Company
The Australian Natural Soap Company

Instead of using disposable facial wipes, why not remove your makeup with Ever Eco Reusable Bamboo Facial Pads? Just use it with your favourite cleanser and viola!

Plastic Free Personal Care & Feminine Hygiene

Think plastic free for your period, too. Your ordinary tampon is actually not pure cotton. Most common brands have plastics in them like rayon, polyester, and other synthetics. Each woman will use an average of 11,000 tampons in her lifetime and these will be in the landfill long after we're gone. Not to mention the packaging that these tampons come in as well.

A much more eco friendly option for periods are menstrual cups. They're getting more and more popular because aside from the fact that they're reusable, they're also wallet friendly. You can use your menstrual cup for up to 10 years! Why not try Lunette Menstrual Cup?

Now, if a menstrual cup is just too much to contemplate if you're making the switch, there are also great options for plastic free tampons and pads in the market. Natracare, Organycand Tom Organic tampons and pads are completely plastic free, including their packaging.

You could also try TOM Organic Period Briefs, a leakproof period underwear. Another option are reusable pads like Hannahpad. These are washable pads made out of 100% cotton. They're washable and reusable and can last you 2-3 years.

Plastic Free Body Care

Deodorants, soaps, and body wash normally comes in plastic packaging. Not to mention plastic loofahs and microbeads in body scrubs. There are a bunch of plastic free options for body care in the market.

Instead of using plastic loofahs, choose to go for a more natural option. How about a Bass Body Brush instead?

Aside from shampoo bars and facial soaps, ANSC also has a ton of variety when it comes to body soaps, from refreshing peppermint to moisturising avocado - they have it.

When it comes to deodorant, there are also plastic free options available such as WooHoo Body deodorants

Plastic Free First Aid Kit

You can even go plastic free in your first aid kit. Popular adhesive bandages are mostly made out of plastic. Instead of using those, try Patch Organic Strips.

This brand’s adhesive bandages are 100% biodegradable because they’re made from organic bamboo fibre, and their packaging, while it looks like plastic, is actually fully biodegradable cellulose. 

Plastic Free General Bathroom

The bathroom is such a small space, but you’ll be surprised at how much waste it can produce. From soap holders to bath mats – they all contribute billions of tonnes of waste to our landfills. Here are some alternatives.

Instead of buying a plastic soap holder, you can get Bass Body Care Sisal Soap Holder. For bath mats, you can try Hevea’s bath mat. This bath mat is 100% free from PVC and is made of naturally biodegradable rubber.

Organyc also offers biodegradable cotton pads and cotton buds. If you’re looking for another brand, Go Bamboo also offers bamboo cotton buds.

Also, think about your toilet paper. It might be made of recycled paper. But if it comes packaged in plastic, what’s the point? Try something like Who Gives a Crap, packaged in paper and delivered in a cardboard box.

You don’t have to try and do everything at once. But small changes made by lots of people add up to a big difference. 

Main Image Credit: Deposit Photos

Other images from: The Australian Natural Soap Company 

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