Why there's no such thing as 'chemical free' products
I'm going to apologise in advance, because this is a rant. I get really cranky when I see products being advertised as 'chemical free'. Why? Because there's no such thing as a chemical free product.

That water you're drinking? Chemicals. Hydrogen and oxygen. Two parts hydrogen to one part oxygen, otherwise known as H2O. That salt you've just sprinkled on your breakfast eggs? Chemicals. Sodium and chlorine. The very air you're breathing? Chemical - oxygen. Okay, so I know that this is overly simple, but you get what I mean. The only things around you that aren't made up of chemicals are thing like light, electricity and gravity. So when someone is trying to tell me that the products they're selling me are 'chemical free', you'll understand why I'm suddenly a little distrustful. Either they really don't know what they're talking about, or they're deliberately greenwashing me and hoping that I'm not going to pick up on it. Or they could be selling a bottle that contains a vacuum - complete nothingness. Kind of cool, when you think about it, but I've never seen one yet.