Kinderfeets Kinderboard Whitewash
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Kinderfeets Kinderboard Whitewash
- Helps develop balance
- Stimulates the vestibular system
- For all ages
Get your children engaged in creative play for hours with Kinderfeets Kinderboard Natural. It's a multi use toy that you can flip, spin, slide, or sit on. You can make it into a seesaw, rock it and balance on it or make it into a foot stool, a boat or a resting place.
This wooden board was first used in Waldorf early childhood classrooms and is designed to help children develop a sense of balance and gain a deep sense of awareness of their body parts. It is excellent in stimulating physical and mental development and offers lots of open ended play opportunities.
Perfect for children who find it difficult to sit still. Hop up and have a rock around on this to get the jitters out!
Age: From 18 months +
Size: Approximately 81 cm x 32 cm x 18 cm