What is the Nordic Swan Eco Label on Bambo Nature nappies?
What is the Nordic Swan Eco Label?
The Nordic Swan Eco Label is the ecolabel set up by the governments of the five Nordic countries. All criteria are based on a cradle to grave life cycle assessment, where total impact on the environment is calculated.
The criteria covers five areas:
- Raw materials
- Production
- Distribution and packaging
- Use
- Disposal
A product carrying the Swan label is guaranteed to have a lower eco footprint and environmental impact than a comparable, standard product. In other words, the Swan label is your guarantee that Bambo Nature nappies have a lower eco footprint than Huggies, for example.
They’re also better for your baby’s health because of the strict requirements as to the ingredients used and the chemicals used in the manufacturing process.

Swan labelled products can’t contain any harmful ingredients
Products granted the Nordic Swan Eco Label can’t contain any chemicals that are classified as:
- Harmful to the environment
- Highly toxic, or toxic
- Harmful to health
- Irritants
- Allergenic
- Carcinogenic
- Mutagenic
- Toxic to reproduction
Swan labelled products also can’t contain any additional chemicals often added to nappies, such as:
- They can’t contain optical brighteners to make the products look white.
- The fluff pulp must be from FSC certified wood.
- It can’t be bleached with chlorine.
- The ingredients can’t contain PVC, or phthalates.
- The products can’t contain perfumes or fragrances.
- The products can’t contain lotions or moisturizers.
- The products can’t contain odour controllers.
- They can’t contain nanoparticles, or flame retardants.
- The products can’t be dyed.
Making everyday products the best they can be
The Nordic Swan Eco Label is all about making everyday products the best they can be. It’s very practical, acknowledging that people will continue to go with the easiest options, such as disposable nappies. The idea is to ensure that these everyday products are made in the most environmentally friendly way possible.
The quality of Swan labelled products has to be as good as, or better, than standard products.
The products must have lower CO2 emissions than similar products.
Choosing a Swan labelled product means that you are making a consious choice to reduce your eco footprint, and to use healthier products on your baby.
More about the Nordic Swan Eco Label: