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Shopping Guide: All the Best Natural Dental Products You Need for Healthy Gums and Teeth

Shopping Guide: All the Best Natural Dental Products You Need for Healthy Gums and Teeth

When making the switch to natural products, it can feel overwhelming. Where do you begin? Well, we think you should start with the products you use most often, such as dental hygiene products!

For instance, think about toothpaste. You use it twice a day, every day, yet many can be full of toxic ingredients. We’ve written a post on what to look out for when you're shopping for natural toothpaste, so that's a good place to start.

There are lots of other products that you use for good dental health. And this article will help cut through the confusion, offering a clear look at the best options for natural oral care that are as gentle on your mouth as they are on the environment. We’ll cover everything from fluoride free toothpaste and biodegradable floss to toothbrushes made from sustainable materials, helping you make informed choices for a healthier oral hygiene routine.

Here’s what you’ll need for your new natural dental care regimen:

A New Natural Toothbrush

Your plastic toothbrush will end up in a landfill for hundreds of years. Replace it with one made from biodegradable cornstarch or bamboo. A bamboo toothbrush, with its biodegradable handle, reduces plastic waste and uses a sustainable, fast growing resource.

Sustainable toothbrushes with activated charcoal bristles are also brilliant. They help remove plaque and prevent the growth of bacteria on the toothbrush itself. Eco friendly toothbrushes are also better for you—they're gentler on teeth and won't hurt your gums.

For a deeper clean, try Dr Tung's Ionic Toothbrush (replacement heads are available here). This eco toothbrush is clinically proven to remove more plaque than regular brushes. It also reduces gingivitis and hypersensitivity.

To upgrade your oral care routine, consider switching to The Humble Co. This environmentally friendly toothbrush brand features dentist developed toothbrushes made with BPA free bristles, ensuring that your teeth get the best care possible. And the best part is that your purchase supports global health initiatives, making it a win-win situation for you and the planet.

TIP: Did you know you’re not supposed to brush your teeth immediately after eating or drinking? According to this study, it’s best to wait at least 30 minutes.

Natural Toothpaste

A good toothpaste is key to good oral health. But what if your toothpaste is doing more harm than good? Common toothpaste ingredients like triclosan, propylene glycol, sodium lauryl sulphate, and parabens can have damaging effects on the body.

Instead of the usual supermarket brands, opt for natural toothpastes without synthetic foaming agents, artificial colours and preservatives, and other nasties. Dr Bronner's and Grants natural toothpaste range, for example, uses natural antibacterial ingredients and breath fresheners like peppermint, clove, neem, activated charcoal, and organic coconut oil instead. Antifungal properties found in natural toothpastes, such as those containing aloe vera, can also help maintain oral health.

For other natural toothpaste alternatives, try Weleda's Salt Toothpaste. It uses sea salt to cleanse your teeth and stimulate saliva production. Another option is Lavera's non fluoride toothpaste, which is made from organic ingredients and provides gentle yet comprehensive care. Alternatively, the Redmond Earthpaste Toothpaste Peppermint uses xylitol and clay for a refreshing clean without artificial additives.

Natural Dental Floss

Flossing can actually be fun and eco friendly. Noosa Basics’ bamboo fibre dental floss is infused with activated charcoal and lightly flavoured with essential oils. There’s also Dr. Tung’s “smart” eco friendly floss, which removes up to 55% more plaque and comes in a biodegradable dispenser. We cringe whenever we see dental floss picks (so much plastic waste!), but these ones from Grin are fully biodegradable.

Tongue Scraper

Your tongue needs care, too! Tongue cleaning is an ancient dental care practice recommended by both Ayurvedic practitioners and modern scientists. It’s a fast and easy way of getting rid of the food buildup and bad bacteria that can cause bad breath, gingivitis, cavities, plaque, and other dental issues. Do this before you go to sleep and you’ll wake up with fresher smelling breath and a fur free tongue.

Natural tongue cleaning tools are available in eco friendly materials, including stainless steel and copper, catering to personal preferences and sustainability concerns. Products like Dr Tung’s tongue scraper is specifically designed for tongue cleaning, paving the way for a more thorough oral hygiene routine. This tongue scraper has comfort grip handles and is made of stainless steel.

Alcohol Free Mouthwash

Most of the mouthwashes you see on store shelves contain a frightening amount of alcohol. Apart from the unpleasant burning sensation and the dryness it leaves, you really don’t want alcohol in your mouthwash because it may harm the strength and appearance of teeth. It has also been linked to oral cancer. Fortunately, there are tons of natural mouthwash alternatives that remove plaque, freshen breath, and reduce gum inflammation - all without alcohol.

Using natural mouthwashes can promote a healthy oral environment without the risk of irritation or damage from harsh chemicals found in traditional mouthwashes. Now, that’s what we call a refreshing change!

Non Toxic Teeth Whitening Product

Mainstream teeth whitening kits contain harmful chemicals like carbamide peroxide, which can erode enamel and cause sensitivity over time. If staining or yellowing is a problem, many natural teeth whitening products exist. The most effective are based on ingredients like activated charcoal, bicarb, bentonite clay, and organic coconut oil.

To brighten your smile and strengthen your teeth, we recommend trying Grants Whitening Toothpaste. This toothpaste uses baking soda to naturally whiten teeth and remove stains. You can also opt for Lavera Natural Toothpaste, which is formulated with plant based ingredients, fluoride, and non nano titanium dioxide for gentle and natural teeth whitening.

Breath Freshener

For a sweet smelling breath when you're out and about, grab some natural breath freshener capsules or a bottle of mouth spray with beneficial ingredients like xylitol, essential oils like peppermint, and green tea extract. Green tea extract is known for its ability to neutralise bad breath odours and offer antioxidant benefits. These selections will leave your mouth feeling — and smelling — minty fresh in an instant and support oral health without harsh chemicals, alcohol, or artificial sweeteners and colours. Choose a refreshing, natural option that keeps your breath fresh and your mouth healthy.

VCO for Oil Pulling

Coconut oil, also known as VCO (Virgin Coconut Oil), is popular for oil pulling. It has a delicious taste and is rich in lauric acid. This concentrate is great for freshening breath and effectively combating bacteria while soothing inflammation, leaving your mouth revitalised and your smile radiant.

You can buy oil pulling products like Dr Tung's Oil Pulling Concentrate. Dr Tung’s concentrate is perfect for elevating your oral care routine with the ancient practice of oil pulling. This Ayurvedic inspired formula has a powerful blend of botanical oils that promotes oral health and detoxification.

Choosing the Right Eco Friendly Dental Products

Maintaining healthy gums and teeth doesn't have to mean exposing yourself to potentially harmful chemicals. Embracing natural dental products can significantly improve your oral health while promoting overall wellness. From natural toothpaste to alcohol free mouthwash and eco friendly dental floss, this shopping guide provides valuable insights into the various options available. Take charge of your oral health journey and make the switch to natural dental products for a radiant smile and peace of mind. 

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